Quick and Easy: D365FO VendPackingSlipTrans Entity

Although D365FO Entities has over 2000+ entities available out of the box, for my surprise it lacks a very important entity: Vendor Packing Slips. In this post I'll show my solution to have Vendor Packing Slips transactions available by odata and/or DMF. Note: If you try to create the entity by using the Data Entity Wizard you won't be able to use neither VendPackingSlipJour/Trans as DataSource as they lack of a proper sequence number. You will get the infamous "The natural key for the table xxxxxxx was not found".

You can take the path of extending the table by adding a sequence number or you can follow my example. Solution: Use the Purchase Order table as Datasource and build the query to VendPackingSlipTrans.

Specifically, you need to relation PurchTable->VendPackingSlipJour->VendPackingSlipTrans. Make sure your Entity looks like the image below

Finally add relevant fields out of the datasources, for example:

Now you can test it

And that's it, quick and easy as I promised :)


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